The four main types of venomous snakes in the United States are coral snakes, cottonmouths, copperheads, and rattlesnakes. This article will take a closer look at these four snakes, so we can understand why they’re regarded as the most venomous snakes in the United States.

Facts About Coral Snakes

The coral snakes found in the United States are New World snakes, and there are far more New World coral snakes than Old World. However, only a few of them are found in the United States. These are the eastern, western, and Texas coral snakes. There are many snakes that look like coral snakes as an evolutionary tactic. The nonvenomous snakes have disguised themselves as coral snakes to avoid predation. Every different type of coral snake looks a little different, but they all have bright-banded colors in common. These colors warn predators that they can pack a venomous punch. There is a famous rhyme to help people know if the snake they’re looking at is a coral snake. It goes, “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow; red touch black, good for Jack.” While this doesn’t apply to snakes outside of the United States, it is a good rule of thumb when in America. Coral snakes are the only venomous snakes in North America that lay eggs.

How Coral Snakes Deliver Venom and What it Does

Coral snakes have some of the strongest venoms globally, but it’s not easy for them to bite humans. These snakes have fangs that can’t retract, though these fangs are still sharp. They don’t deliver a lot of venom in one bite, which sometimes keeps the venom from being fatal. They also deliver venom by chewing. They’re not as dangerous as copperheads or rattlesnakes because of their venom delivery. Over 90% of people these snakes have bitten were trying to handle them. A coral snake has to chew its prey a bit to properly deliver its venom, but when it does, the strong neurotoxins cause respiratory failure and paralysis. This neurotoxin blocks certain neurotransmitters, which leads to the cascade effect that causes physical symptoms. When a coral snake lands a bite, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention. An untreated bite is not only painful, but it can also cause cardiac arrest and paralysis of the muscles. Interestingly, coral snake bites don’t cause localized tissue damage or injury. It takes a few hours for the symptoms of a coral snake bite to begin. Sometimes it can take up to 12 hours, but when the symptoms start, they are severe. There may be slurred speech, double vision, shock, paralysis, convulsions, and other indicators that antivenom is needed immediately. Even if you’re not sure a coral snake bit you, seek help just in case. There are other snake species that look like coral snakes, like the milk snake and the king snake. These snakes are non-venomous, but it’s better to be cautious when dealing with the possibility of venomous bites.

Facts About Cottonmouths

Cottonmouths are also known as water moccasins. They’re called cottonmouths because the inside of their mouth is white like cotton. These carnivorous pit vipers live up to 25 years and have reached as big as 6 feet long, although they’re more commonly about 4 feet in length. They call the southeastern United States their home and live mainly in the swamps, floodplains, bays, lakes, and wetlands of the region. These snakes love to swim and spend a lot of time in the water. They stretch from Florida to Texas, and there are two kinds of cottonmouths in the United States. These are the northern cottonmouths and the Florida cottonmouths. A female cottonmouth doesn’t need a male because it can also produce offspring via asexual reproduction. The use of asexual vs. sexual reproduction eliminates the chance for genetic diversity. The fear of cottonmouths drives many well-meaning people to kill snakes that look like cottonmouths but are harmless. There are some key differences that distinguish cottonmouths from other similar-looking snakes. For example, water moccasins keep their entire body on the surface of the water while swimming. Other snakes do not, and only their heads can be seen. Cottonmouths and other venomous snakes have cat-eye pupils, whereas nonvenomous snakes have round pupils. Since cottonmouths are pit vipers, they have pits between their nose and eyes. Other snakes do not have this feature.

Cottonmouth Venom and the Warning Signs

North America has one venomous water snake, and it’s the cottonmouth. This snake will bite both on land and in water. The venom of cottonmouths destroys tissues, causing excruciating pain and swelling. These snakes aren’t as venomous as rattlesnakes, but they’re considered a bigger threat than copperheads. There is an antivenom available, and while these bites usually aren’t fatal, immediate medical treatment is needed if you’re bitten by a cottonmouth. Cottonmouths release less venom in self-defense than they do against prey, but that doesn’t mean a bite should be taken lightly. Cottonmouths don’t go out of their way to attack humans as they’d rather run away. Only 1% of snake wound fatalities are attributed to cottonmouths. Before it tries to bite, the cottonmouth warns its threat by shaking its tail, raising its head, and opening its mouth. It’ll also release a musk that’s unmistakably unpleasant.

Facts About Copperheads

Copperheads are brownish-copper in color, which has led to their name. Like most snakes, copperheads use their tongue to help smell for prey that might be around. There are a lot of nonvenomous snakes that look like copperheads, but their cat-like eyes give them away as venomous. There isn’t much genetic difference between a copperhead and a cottonmouth, but they are distinctly different snakes. Unlike the coral snake, the copperhead has a coloration that helps it blend into its natural surroundings. Like the cottonmouth, this snake can undergo asexual reproduction through a process called parthenogenesis. Copperheads are found in northern Mexico and Texas to Georgia and Massachusetts. They live near bodies of water like lakes and streams. It’s tempting to exterminate a population of copperhead snakes, but they do have some benefits. They also consume large quantities of insects and rodents, which provides pest control. While copperheads aren’t aggressive toward humans, due to their habitat and how well they blend in with the surroundings, copperheads do account for the majority of venomous snake bites in most of their range. For example, in North Carolina, 90% of venomous snake bites come from copperhead snakes.

Copperhead Venom

Copperheads are dangerous, but they’re not considered as venomous as cottonmouths. Opossums and kingsnakes appear to be immune to their venom. There are a little less than 3000 reported copperhead bites every year. That leaves them at about 40% of the venomous snake bites that occur in the United States each year. Copperheads deliver a hemotoxin in their venom. This means red blood cells are destroyed. Few people have died after a copperhead bite because the venom is considered weaker than some of the other contenders on this list. When biting out of self-defense, this snake is known to do what’s called a dry bite. That means that hardly any venom (if any at all) is delivered during a warning strike. However, copperhead venom is strong. It causes terrible pain, swelling, nausea, tingling and can destroy bone and tissue on extremities.

Facts About Rattlesnakes

Up to seventy species and subspecies of rattlesnakes span from Argentina to southern Canada. In the United States, they can be found almost anywhere, but typically reside in the Southwest. The various types of rattlesnakes can live in grassy areas, mountains, or deserts. Their rattles are made of chambers that rattle together when the snake shakes its tail. While the rattle gets damaged in a rattlesnake’s natural environment, it gains a segment every time a skin is shed. The color of these snakes varies by region, but generally, their appearance makes it easier to blend in to avoid predators. They have triangular heads, thick bodies, and have scales in colors like gray, black, brown, yellow, or olive. Their scale patterns are diamond shaped, banded, or spotted. Unlike cottonmouths, rattlesnakes aren’t aquatic. However, they will swim and have even been spotted in the ocean swimming to reaching new islands. Rattlesnakes are strict carnivores, and they only need to eat every 2 to 3 weeks. They typically feed on rodents, amphibians, lizards, birds, and insects.

Rattlesnake Venom and their Defensiveness

The prey of a rattlesnake begins breaking down before they’re even swallowed. Their venom is powerful enough to destroy tissue and stop blood from clotting. While an antivenom exists, a rattlesnake bite can result in death if it’s not quickly available. Rattlesnakes aren’t looking to fight with humans but try to hide from them. If they bite, it’s defensive only. Frequently, hikers or adventurers come across well-camouflaged rattlesnakes and do not heed the snake’s warnings. About 8,000 people across North and South America are bitten by rattlesnakes every year, though this only results in about five fatalities per year.  Rattlesnakes can also control the amount of venom they use when they decide to bite something. Depending on which rattlesnake you encounter, they can vary from 1 to 8 feet long. The tiger rattlesnake that resides in Arizona, Mexico, and California is one of the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world.

Summary of the 4 Main Types of Venomous Snakes in the US

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