The Best Cherry Trees in Texas

Black Tartarian

This cherry tree species is widespread around the country, especially in Texas. The state has hardiness zones between 6 and 10, and black cherry trees grow perfectly in zones 5 to 8. This fruit tree is an older variety, coming to America in the 1800s from Russia. It produces sweet, dark red cherries perfect for snacking or preserve making.  The Black Tartarian is excellent for home orchards, but you will need to plant a pollinator with it. This species also serves as a pollinator for other dark, sweet cherry trees. It prefers plenty of sun but is not drought tolerant, and you will need to water it during dry periods regularly. It’s an early bloomer and is ready for harvesting in June.  

Royal Lee

Royal Lee cherry trees grow in hardiness zones 7 to 10, falling within Texas’ growing zones. These dwarf trees grow successfully in lower chill areas with full sun, ripening in July. They are one of the earliest blooming sweet cherries and require pollination by the Minnie Royal.  These cherries are suited to warmer environments and produce bright red, firm, sweet fruit, perfect for eating right off the tree or used in pies and preserves. The fruit is heart-shaped, and the trees produce beautiful white blossoms. While this species does excellent in warmer climates, it will still need more water during particularly hot periods in Texas. 

Nanking Cherry

Native to Central Asia, the Nanking cherry was introduced to North America in 1882. This fruit tree prefers cold winters and hot summers, growing in hardiness zones 3 to 7. The Nanking cherry will flourish in the Panhandle but won’t do well past Central Texas.  This tree produces fragrant white flowers in the spring and deliciously tangy, bright red fruit in mid to late summer. It has a dense branching pattern, perfect for borders, where it can bring ornamental beauty to your landscape. This species is adaptable and can thrive during periods of drought and semi-arid conditions. The fruit ripens in July and August, and many will use it to make pies, jellies, and jams. 

Compact Stella

The Compact Stella is a semi-dwarf cherry tree and does excellent in areas with limited space. The fruit is large, dark red, firm, and sweet and goes well in baked goods or eaten straight from the tree.  This species is self-fertile and doesn’t require a pollinator; it will begin bearing fruit one to two years after planting. However, growing at least one or more stone fruit trees will allow your Compact Stella to flourish and produce even more fruit. This tree grows in zones 5 to 8 and does best in Central Texas and the Panhandle.

Sweetheart Cherry

The Sweetheart cherry is a newer cherry variety from Canada and was introduced to the States in 1990. This tree grows 7 to 10 feet high and produces pink and white blossoms with dark green leaves, which are beautiful for any garden.  This tree produces sweet and mildly tart cherries, perfect for snacking and making jam. You can harvest its fruit late in the season, from mid-August to early September. Northern Texas and the Panhandle will have an easier time growing these due to their hardiness zones of five through seven.

Lambert Cherry

The Lambert cherry originated in Oregon in 1848 and is a hardy, prolific fruiter in zones five to seven. This species is excellent for commercial growing due to its dependability, but it also serves as a great addition to any property in Northern Texas.  The Lambert cherry is self-fertile and does not need a cross-pollinator, although it wouldn’t hurt. The deep red cherries stand in gorgeous contrast against the snow-white blossoms during summer and are ready to harvest in late June through July.  

How to Plant Cherry Trees in Texas

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to plant cherry trees in Texas.

What Other Fruit Trees Grow Well in Texas?

Texas has a diverse growing climate, and some fruit trees do well in northern regions, while others flourish in warmer southern areas.


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