Remember that most of the time, there’s a good reason behind the aggression shown by a bird or another type of animal. It could be defending its young or searching for food in order to stay alive. Look at eight birds living in North America that are considered dangerous to other animals or humans in certain situations.

#8 Barred Owl

Barred owls live in woodland and swamp habitats over the eastern half of the United States. Pairs of barred owls hooting to one another is a common sound in the swamps of Florida and Georgia. It hunts for mice, squirrels, rabbits, lizards, and even insects. Its silent, fast rate of flying speed and sharp talons are what landed it on the most dangerous birds of North America list. The barred owl sits high up on a branch in a swamp or woodland. It uses its first-rate owl vision to scan the ground for prey. When it sees a small mammal or reptile, it takes off. This owl is an expert at flying low to the forest floor in pursuit of prey. It stretches out its talons and grabs the small animal as it tries to get away. To learn more about the barred owl, look here.

#7 Herring Gull

Herring gulls are on the most dangerous birds of North America list for a few reasons. Their combination of boldness and a sharp beak make them potentially dangerous to both animals and humans. The natural diet of this bird includes fish and crustaceans. Not surprisingly, they’re attracted to foods people bring to beaches and shorelines. Today, as more people are spending time on the beach, these birds have become bolder in their attempts to steal food. A person who tries to get a sandwich or piece of food away from a herring gull is at risk of being cut by this bird’s very sharp beak. Not only do they try to steal food from people, but they also try to take it from other birds. Though one herring gull may not be an issue, they can form very large groups in a short amount of time. So, it’s best to keep your distance from these birds and definitely don’t share your lunch!

#6 Swan

Dangerous is not likely to be the first word that comes to mind when you picture a swan. These birds are known for their bright white feathers and graceful swimming. But it turns out swans can be dangerous birds if they feel threatened. Swans are territorial. They live near lakes, ponds, and marshes. If a human or another animal gets too close to a swan’s nest of eggs or young, this bird hisses, flaps its wings, and fluffs up its feathers to appear even bigger. Though it doesn’t have teeth, a swan can use its beak to viciously snap at a person or an animal. This can tear clothes, pinch, or even cause bruises. One of the most dangerous things about them is they won’t stop chasing an intruder until they are well out of the bird’s territory. Study more about swans here.

#5 Harris’s Hawk

Like most hawks, Harris’s hawk is a fast, agile flier. Though it is smaller than most hawks, it possesses strong talons to grip its prey of small birds and mammals. But there are a few things that make Harris’s hawk different from other birds of prey. While most hawks are solitary hunters, Harris’s hawks hunt in groups. In fact, there may be as many as nine hawks chasing down one mouse, pigeon, or other prey. A couple of the hawks chase the prey away from its shelter. Other hawks in the group move the prey toward the remaining members of the group where it is captured. Harris’s hawks form groups when trying to drive away another bird or a predator. They dive and claw at the intruder until it moves off or is injured. While one Harris’s hawk may not seem like a threat, a group of them definitely can be threatening! To learn more about Harris’s hawk, go to this page.

#4 Snowy Owl

This owl is best known for its white feathers featuring a spray of small dark spots. Its white feathers help it to blend with its snowy habitat in the Arctic tundra. Lemmings are the main diet of these birds of prey. Snowy owls also eat mice, small birds, and fish. These silent hunters possess a combination of speed, intelligence, and strength. This owl remains on a tree branch or other perch while using its eyes and ears to look for prey below. It can even hear the rustling of a mouse. When it sees a lemming or other small animal, it swoops to the ground picking up the prey with a whoosh of its wings. Though they have white feathers that partially cover their feet, snowy owls have razor-like talons. Once they grab onto a lemming, mouse, or snake, it’s time to eat! Find out more about the snowy owl right here.

#3 Great Northern Loon

It may be surprising to see a loon on a list of the most dangerous birds in North America. After all, aren’t they just as harmless as ducks? Well, the great northern loon may look like a duck, but it has the potential to be very dangerous. The diet of a great northern loon consists mostly of fish along with some crustaceans, reptiles, and amphibians. Once a loon sees a fish, frog, or salamander, it uses its great speed to dive and chase it. This bird stabs the prey with its pointed beak, then swallows it whole! Since these birds spend time in lakes and on the coastlines of North America they occasionally cross paths with swimmers. This is another reason why the great northern loon is on the most dangerous bird list. If a loon feels its young or its territory is being threatened, this bird can use its pointed beak as a weapon on a human. Though the person means no harm to the bird or its young, the loon will try to protect its territory. Find more on the great northern loon here.

#2 Peregrine Falcon

Take one look at the sharp, bright yellow talons of the peregrine falcon and you’ll know why it’s on this list. The prey of this falcon includes smaller birds such as doves, pigeons, songbirds, and wading birds. The peregrine falcon uses its excellent vision to scan fields and forests from high in the air. When it spots a small bird, it flies closer and prepares to attack. But the sharp talons of this falcon are only a part of what makes it dangerous to its prey. A peregrine falcon can dive for prey at a speed of 200mph or more! These birds of prey can maneuver with ease through trees and tall weeds. It doesn’t take long for the peregrine falcon to catch up with its prey and grasp it with sharp talons. If the falcon is a mother hunting food for her chicks she’ll tear the prey apart with her hooked beak and give pieces to her young. Peregrine falcons live in all parts of the United States. Read this page for more on the majestic peregrine falcon.

#1 Great Horned Owl

The great horned owl is easily recognizable by the two tufts of feathers that stand up on its head like horns. Though these tufts of feathers are a cute feature, this owl is all business when it’s hunting for prey. In fact, it carries the nickname, tiger of the air. This owl hunts at dusk or after the sun go down. But, instead of flying around in search of food like other birds of prey, the great-horned owl sits in a tree and scans the area. It has superb hearing and eyesight. When it sees a mouse, rabbit, snake, or toad, it silently lifts off from its tree branch. From there, it swoops over the ground and grabs the prey with its talons. This is one of the most dangerous birds because of its talons, curved sharp beak, and its aggressive way of hunting. This owl has been known to try to capture a porcupine! Great horned owls live in forests, swamps, fields, and deserts throughout North America. Check out more on the great horned owl by visiting this page. The 8 most dangerous birds in North America:


Great Horned Owl Wingspan & Size: How Big Are They? How big is North America’s most dangerous bird?What Do Great Horned Owls Eat? Great horned owls have a variety of dietary needs, and some of them will probably surprise you.10 Incredible Peregrine Falcon Facts If you love falcons as much as we do you will enjoy these fun facts!