The gorilla is one of the humans’ closest surviving relatives; the two species last coexisted roughly 10 million years ago. The most comparable animals are the bonobo and the chimpanzee. The gorilla is tough and strong, with a bulging belly and an enormous, sturdy chest. Their hair and skin color are both a beautiful shade of black.  Mature primates have stocky legs that are 15-20% longer than their long, musculoskeletal arms. Males can grow to a height of around 5.5 feet and a weight of 300 to 485 pounds in the wild. They are roughly twice as hefty as females. Both sexes of captive gorillas have the potential to put on a lot of weight and become fairly overweight. A zoogoer was filming during their trip to the Warsaw Zoo. They quickly became entertained by the two gorillas behind the glass. It seems the pair were having an argument and sorted it out through a physical fight.  Inside the enclosure, there is a jungle gym, complete with towering trees, nets, and swinging rope. The two primates use these things to effortlessly move while fighting one another. We’re unsure of what made these two butt heads, but it’s incredibly common among gorillas.  Since they are in charge of ensuring the troop’s security, silverbacks are frequently more hostile than other group members. Even when resources are limited, the silverback controls all group choices, makes the majority of the calls, get the bulk of the food, and has the power to stop disruptive behavior with only a glance. 

Defending Territory

Before establishing his own troop, a male must have a well-defined home territory and great power to face any competition. Believe it or not, this is true, even in zoos! The fierce competition for adult females frequently leads to combative confrontations between a dominant and a rival silverback who is trying to establish or grow a group.  These altercations, which may last for days, may involve every squadron member. To demonstrate its dominance, a silverback will even stand up straight on its unusual legs and pound its chest. These behaviors demonstrate that the gorilla, even if it is another member of the same troop, is prepared to defend itself and its family from the specific threat. The video, taking place at the Poland zoo, truly shows how effortless these giant beasts can move. As they run around their exhibit, you can’t help but be amazed at how they move around the trees and swing on the ropes.  One comment encapsulates exactly how we feel. It reads, “It always amazes me how such a huge animal like a silverback gorilla can maneuver around with such amazing agility and flexibility. The average 180 lb. human male can only wish he could do this.” 

Up Next…

Discover the World’s Largest Gorilla!Silverback Charges Children at the Zoo And Breaks The Protective GlassSee The Gorilla Who Learned to Swagger Like a Man and Show Just How Similar We AreWatch A Huge Silverback Intimidate His Own Reflection