Someone living in moose country often sees these large creatures around their neighborhood. When they do, it’s usually one or two moose at a time. During one afternoon drive, they saw an incredible herd walking through the snowy planes.  Moose are primarily diurnal creatures. They tend to live alone, with mother and calf relationships being the strongest. Occasionally two individuals can be seen feeding next to the same stream. The polygamous males will look for multiple ladies to procreate with. During the breeding season, groups or herds are typically visible and may only have two adults in them. Because their fur is a superior insulator, moose can survive in extremely cold conditions. Both the hollow hairs that make up the top layer of fur and the fuzzy layer of fur that covers the skin are filled with trapped air. The moose is able to maintain its body temperature and avoid overheating because of trapped air. Moose are more suited to colder regions than they are to warmer ones.

Once in a Lifetime

The footage this person shares with the world is absolutely incredible. The top comment reads, “It’s amazing to see so many moose in one group. These are usually animals that don’t gather into large groups like that. You did a great job filming them and kept your vehicle at a very slow pace, and distance while filming. This comes to tell you that there is plenty of moose out there in those northern woods to this day. It’s a great animal to spot in the wild, and like any kind of bear, you always must keep your distance. They are very dangerous animals, to say the least.”  They may travel very stealthily to lessen the possibility of being discovered by predators and frequently stop to check for any threat coming too close. Before stopping to rest in a certain location, moose typically travel in the same direction as the wind. It appears as if the animals in this video are looking for food or getting ready to rest to regain their strength to hunt. In Alaska, certain dominant male moose will herd a group of females together during mating season to form a “harem herd.” What is seen in this footage is incredibly abnormal and the person filming caught it all in 4K resolution. There are even comments mentioning they’ve never seen that many moose together in their life! 

Up Next:

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