In Panama City Beach, those who were enjoying a sunny day were shocked when they spotted a spinner shark beach itself. There’s footage of the incident happening and the shark is visibly trying to save itself as on-lookers stare in shock.  Uncertainty surrounds the precise reasons why a shark will beach itself. The majority of sharks, it is believed, only beach themselves accidentally or after suffering a significant injury. Many sharks have been discovered on beaches with fishing lures connected to them.  This is proof that a fisherman caught the shark but was unsure of what to do with it once it got close to shore. A shark that has been beached might end up there occasionally after failing to catch a quick meal.  Eventually, the shark stops thrashing around, as the beach visitors try to figure out what to do. It’s understandably sad that this animal died at a moment when it could’ve been saved, but attempting to help a beached shark is more dangerous than one might realize. 

What Do You Do If You See a Beached Shark?

The majority of visitors of A-Z-Animals are aware of the value of sharks, and we would all welcome the chance to save one. Having said that, sharks can behave in a variety of unforeseen ways, therefore it’s critical that someone with relevant experience assists the shark. To get the right information, you should signal a professional, like a lifeguard, or even call animal control. Additionally, marine animals can transmit diseases to people. For these reasons, unless otherwise specifically directed by a qualified specialist, you should always maintain a distance of at least 150 feet from beached animals.  Do not let kids or dogs get too close to beached marine animals. This may cause the animal considerable stress. Don’t overheat the animal. Apply damp t-shirts or towels to its skin and spray it with water. The animal’s pectoral flippers, flukes, and dorsal fin should not be covered. Keep your attention on aiding the animal. For example, refrain from photographing a beached shark. Sharks quickly lose water when out of the water and should be brought back as soon as possible. The amount of time spent helping the animal will be reduced, the animal will feel anxious, and other people will be put in danger if you spend time taking personal photos or allowing others to pet the animal.  Many people in the video can be seen taking pictures. If this is something you want to do, make sure it’s from a safe distance. 

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