Yes, it’s true and it happened to one individual. Luckily, they were around to stop the apex predator before any damage was done to the luxury vehicle. A hilarious group of friends is filming what appears to be a parking lot next to a wooded area when an unsuspecting black bear appears.  Like all bears, the black bear has a keen sense of smell that it uses to locate food. Due to its small ears and eyes, it has less developed hearing and vision. Black bears have an omnivorous diet despite being categorized as carnivores. Paired with their keen sense of smell and general curiosity, if a bear senses there is food in a car, it’ll do what they have to in order to get a bite to eat.  We can see the bear walk closer to the car as the onlookers attempt to shoe it away with their yells. You can even hear one person make an impressive impersonation of a bear growling. The animal is able to open the front passenger door when he notices the rambunctious noise coming from what we can assume is a deck or patio. 

You Scream, We All Scream

In a last-ditch effort to spook the bear, everyone makes guttural screams. Many of the comments compare one of the screams to the classic cartoon character, Spongebob. The bear immediately realizes whatever is inside the Mercedez isn’t worth whatever is causing all this ruckus.  It’s not uncommon for black bears to be afraid of humans. When we’re standing straight up, we don’t look much different than a bear on its hind legs to them. This isn’t to say people shouldn’t be afraid of bears, but it can explain why this one decided to run the other way.  Without even looking behind him, the scared bear backs up and bolts back into the forest. It’s safe to say all that yelling and screaming worked in their favor! A comment that’ll have you in stitches reads,  “The guy’s scream was so high pitch that it summoned Michael Jackson’s spirit in the bear and he began to moonwalk.” We can’t lie, it looks like that’s exactly what happened!  Another person says, “This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a minute.” While most people would possibly yell for the bear to go away, this group of friends made it their mission to do it in the most unique way. You have to check out the hilarious Youtube Short below! 

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