They also look like ancient sea monsters and this is because they are! Octopuses are ancient creatures – fossils have discovered that show that they were on earth 330 million years ago which means that they predate the dinosaurs. Interestingly, these early octopuses had 10 arms whereas their modern cousins have only 8 arms.

Escape Artist Octopus

Look at the hole and then look at the octopus. It looks like a physical impossibility for it to fit through. But octopuses have no bones and can therefore squeeze their bodies through very tiny gaps. Also, they have neurons in each of their arms which send back information to a central brain. All the time, this octopus is working out if they can fit through and obviously they can. These are the smart guys of the ocean – they are the most intelligent invertebrate and have nine brains! You will find them in the top 10 smartest animals in the world. Their problem-solving skills are great and they have superb short- and long-term memory capabilities. Many octopuses also use tools   It may be frustrating for the fisherman, but you can’t help but give a little cheer for the octopus as they declare their Independence Day! Next up: Watch a Free Diver Catch Octopuses Barehanded as They Try Every Trick to Escape Watch Octopuses Pull Off Impossibly Good Camouflage In Underwater Video Octopus Poop: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know