Because the ocean is a shark’s natural environment, it can be discovered in Key West’s seas. But, before you dash back to shore, humming the Jaws theme tune in your head, take a moment to observe what one couple went through in 2011. Enjoying their time in the refreshing water, a couple relaxes on a boat just four miles off the coast of Key West. With crystal clear water and skies to match, it looked like a beautiful day to spend in the ocean.  A woman named Heidi says, “The water’s beautiful,” as we hear a man behind the camera laughing. She continues to swim around until a few seconds later, the man calmly asks her to get in the boat.  She quickly starts swimming towards him and asks if he’s being serious. One comment on the now-viral video states, “Mad respect for the guy recording, not freaking out and telling her to swim back was probably the best thing for the both of them.” It’s thought that if he had said there was a shark or appeared frightened at all, Heidi could’ve reacted very differently. The video slows down to allow viewers to see just how close Heidi was to being a shark’s lunch that afternoon.  While it’s a little hard to tell what shark was interested in this couple, it appears to be a nurse shark. The nocturnal, docile nurse shark is the most prevalent shark in Key West. You have a decent chance of seeing one of these sharks sleeping on the bottom beneath a coral ledge if you go snorkeling or diving. Once Heidi is safely back in the boat, she looks over the edge to see several sharks circling around. Nurse sharks are usually non-aggressive and will flee if confronted. Unprompted strikes on swimmers and divers have been documented, though. They can bite with a strong, vice-like grasp that can cause catastrophic harm if disturbed.

Do Sharks Normally Attack People?

Anyone who is nervous about their next saltwater swim after watching this can rest assured that shark attacks on humans are very rare. Of the hundreds of shark species that have been identified, only about four percent of them have been documented attacking people. Marine biologists encourage people who may encounter sharks in the wild to remember that the shark’s reason for coming near is probably just curiosity. But that curiosity can turn to fear if the shark is startled or confused, so moving slowly and remaining calm are strongly recommended.

Up Next…

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