In this article, we will address everything you need to know about how the Weimaraner and the Great Dane differ from one another, as well as how they are similar. We will address their appearances so that you can learn how to tell them apart. Finally, we will go over their behaviors and ancestral history in case you are interested in adopting either of these two dog breeds. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Weimaraner vs Great Dane

Key Differences Between Weimaraner vs Great Dane

There are a number of key differences between the Weimaraner and the Great Dane. There is no competition when it comes to the size of the Great Dane compared to any other dog, as it is much taller and heavier than the Weimaraner. Additionally, the Weimaraner only comes in one color, while the Great Dane comes in many different colors. Finally, the Great Dane is a much older dog breed compared to the Weimaraner.  Let’s discuss all of these differences and more in detail now. 

Weimaraner vs Great Dane: Size

You likely already know this, but the Great Dane is considered the largest dog breed in the world, while the Weimaraner is far from it. When it comes to height and weight, the Great Dane far out classes the average Weimaraner. Let’s take a closer look at these figures now. The average Weimaraner reaches anywhere from 23 to 27 inches tall, while the Great Dane starts at a whopping 28 inches, finishing at 32 inches depending on gender. Additionally, the Great Dane weighs anywhere from 100 to 175 pounds, while the Weimaraner only weighs 55 to 90 pounds on average. 

Weimaraner vs Great Dane: Appearance

There are a number of physical differences between the Great Dane and Weimaraner. Both of these dog breeds are highly muscular and have shorts for covering their bodies. However, the Weimaraner only comes in a distinct to gray blue shade, while the Great Dane comes in a large variety of colors and patterns.  While both of these dogs have large and floppy ears, the tail of the Weimaraner is docked compared to the long tail of the Great Dane. Additionally, the muzzle of the Great Dane droops far more than the muzzle of the Weimaraner. Both of these dogs have large and powerful paws, though the feet of the Great Dane are much larger than the feet of the Weimaraner. 

Weimaraner vs Great Dane: Ancestry and Breeding

Both the Weimaraner and the Great Dane originated in Germany, contrary to what the Great Dane’s name suggests. However, the Great Dane originated sometime before the 18th century, while the Weimaraner originated in the 19th century. Additionally, both of these dogs were originally bred for hunting, though the sides of game that they hunted differed greatly from each other.  For example, the Weimaraner was originally bred to hunt large game such as deer, while the Great Dane was originally bred to hunt wild boar and protect the property owned by aristocrats. Eventually, the Weimaraner transitioned into hunting small game, while the Great Dane could still take on big prey. 

Weimaraner vs Great Dane: Behavior

There are a few behavioral differences between the Weimaraner and a Great Dane. For example, the Weimaraner has a much greater need for exercise and stimulation compared to the laid-back Great Dane. Both of these dogs make fantastic family companions, though the Great Dane is not suited for apartment living, while the Weimaraner does just fine in a variety of homes. 

Weimaraner vs Great Dane: Lifespan

A final difference between the Great Dane and the Weimaraner has to do with their life spans. Given the size of the average Great Dane, it lives a much shorter life span on average compared to the Weimaraner. Most large or giant dogs live shorter lives compared to smaller dogs, and the Great Dane is no exception. Let’s take a look at the numbers in detail now. Depending on the health and wellness of the individual dog, the average Great Dane only lives 8 to 10 years, while the Weimaraner lives anywhere from 11 to 14 years. However, with adequate exercise and a well-rounded diet, both of these breeds are capable of living a long and happy life!