Here, we’ll learn about what macaws eat and where they live. Then, we’ll explore one unique, and strange, dietary staple of certain species of macaw. We’ll even learn what macaws feed their chicks, and how long it takes a macaw to reach maturity. Finally, we’ll discover what captive macaws eat and what some of their favorite treats are.

What Do Macaws Eat?

Macaws eat a wide variety of fruits, nuts, vegetables, and insects. They are predominantly omnivorous. Macaws live primarily in the rainforests of Central and South America, though some species prefer woody grasslands. Because they have such a wide diet, their options for food are extensive. Macaws eat:


Macaws will eat many species of flower, which begs the question; do macaws eat orchids? Orchids are one of the few flower species macaws don’t seem to like. They do nibble on the flowers, but don’t consume them entirely.  Though macaws eat primarily nuts, fruits, and greens, they will not say no to a nice insect. Their particular favorites are grasshoppers, roaches, and snails. Some of their favorite fruits include palm fruit and figs. Macaws have also been known to eat many foods that should be toxic to them, we’ll learn more about that later. 

What Do Macaws Use Their Beaks For?

Macaws eat nuts and seeds, in fact, nuts are one of their favorite foods. But that doesn’t mean the nuts are easy to get to. Most nuts are encase in very hard shells, that’s where the macaw’s secret weapon comes into play. Macaws large beaks aren’t just for show; they use them to crack and pry open hard nut casings. Once the macaw has the nut opened up, it uses its incredibly muscular tongue to fish out the nut meat. Because of this specialization, macaws are able to eat nuts that most other animals can’t access. But that’s not the only method macaws have for gaining access to that hard to reach nut meat. In areas where domestic cattle share territory with macaws, the macaw will actually wait for the cow to consume the hard palm nut, then fish the nut out of the excrement. The macaws save themselves a lot of work this way; the cow’s ruminant stomach completely removes the hard outer casing, making it very easy for the macaw to retrieve the nut meat. Nuts are an extremely important part of the macaw’s diet because they are very high in fat. Macaws can get by on many foods, but they still need a high fat content in their diet. Macaws will even travel up to 15 miles per day in search of food or good places to forage.

Geophagy: Eating the Earth

Macaws eat foods that are toxic, both to them and to humans. So how do they digest these foods? Well, macaws that eat these toxic foods also eat one other thing; clay. The practice of eating dirt, or clay, is called geophagy, and macaws are not the only species to do it. Some scientists think the macaws engage in geophagy in order to get enough sodium (high in seaside clay deposits) into their diet. But observation and testing seem to show that the macaws are actually eating dirt to offset the effects of the toxic foods they eat. Macaws have been observed eating less clay after heavy rains, this is an indication that they are using the clay to neutralize toxins. So, not only do macaws eat foods that are good for them; they also eat toxic foods pared with neutralizing clay.

What Do Macaw Chicks Eat?

Macaw parents usually have between 1-4 chicks at a time. The chicks are born with their eyes closed and only a few feathers. They are completely dependent on their parents, both of whom feed them. After a few days, their eyes open, and they begin picking on their weaker nest mates.  It may seem sad, but macaw chicks are competitive, and often only the strongest survive. Parents feed their chicks until they gain full plumage, around three months old, and start flying on their own. The macaw chicks eat whatever the parents bring them, including insects, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and seeds. Depending on the species, it takes between 2-10 years for the chicks to reach full maturity.

What Do Pet Macaws Eat?

Macaws have long been a popular pet for aviary enthusiasts. People have been keeping them either as pets, or as animals farmed for their feathers, for perhaps thousands of years. Pre-Columbian civilizations like the Inca, Nazca, and Wari’ kept macaws and used their feathers for all many of clothing and textiles. Today, captive macaws may live over sixty years. But just what do owners feed their long lived avian companions?  Captive macaws eat many fruits, vegetables, nuts, premade bird food, seeds, insects, and even meat. Owners may feed their birds:

Vegetables: zucchini, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, corn, spinach, beets, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, dandelion greens, pumpkin, artichoke, endive, green beans, and collard greensFruits: bananas, strawberries, berries, star fruit, oranges, kiwis, mangoes, grapes, and datesRaw, unsalted nuts: peanuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, and pistachiosSeeds: all seeds, but sunflower seeds only sparingly as they have very high fat contentMeat: captive macaws will eat eggs, fish, and even poultry, though these should be given in moderationCondensed bird cakes: premade cakes of seeds, nuts, and fruits that the macaws can pick apart