Cutting off trees without consideration towards ecologyUnchecked poaching, hunting of animals, birds and fish for commercial and entertainment purposes.Changing the course of natural water resource for irrigation, creating manmade reservoirsDamaging and unsustainable agricultural practicesUnchecked emission of CO2Over farming of livestock, fish and birdsUnsustainable usage of natural resources in manufacturing and processing of food, textiles, vehicles etc.Unplanned development of cities and towns with poor waste management.

We have arrived at the brink of the irreversible point from where we will not be able to counter the environmental calamity facing us. The biggest brunt has been borne by the animal, bird and fish species across the globe, which has seen a 99% extinction in the past five hundred years alone. However, there are many organizations that are doing a lot and while researching endangered animals, you must have stumbled upon the acronym IUCN and may have thought: What is the IUCN? So let’s answer your questions.

IUCN: The Basics

The IUCN — which stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources— is the world’s largest global environmental network.  Established in 1948, the organization develops sustainable solutions to ecological challenges. According to its mission statement, the IUCN aims to “influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.” What does that mean in simpler language? The IUCN is a group of researchers, scientists, governments, conservation organizations, and administrators from around the world that monitor the planet’s species. In its roll, the IUCN is ideally positioned to manage international conservation efforts and provide support to communities facing environmental hurdles. The group also develops sustainable ecology programs, both alone and in conjunction with other organizations. Whenever possible, the IUCN champions “nature-based solutions.” 

Who Founded the IUCN?

An international effort, governments, corporations, and foundations collectively funded the IUCN. Originally headquartered in Fontainebleau, France, it now calls Gland, Switzerland home base. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chartered the IUCN. Julian Huxley, a British biologist and then director general of UNESCO, spearheaded the initiative. At its founding, the organization was the first to encompass all of nature. Previously, groups had only focused of one region or animal. Over the years, the organization has rebranded itself several times. In the early years (1948–1956)  it was known as the International Union for the Protection of Nature. Between 1990 and 2008, it tried on the shorter “World Conservation Union,” but ultimately switched back. International cooperation has endured for 70-plus years, and today, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature collaborates with over 16,000 volunteer scientists in over 160 countries. Additionally, 1,400 government and privately funded agencies participate. And finally, approximately 1,000 full-time staff in 50 countries keep the IUCN running.

The Red List

In 1994, the IUCN unveiled the Red List — an international ranking of endangered species. Currently, the Red List categorizes about 60,000 plant and animal species into seven categories: Two supplementary categories, Data Deficient and Not Listed, serve as catchalls for animals and plants with healthy populations.

Who Makes Decisions at the IUCN?

We’ve answered the question: What is the IUCN? Now, let’s look at it’s structure — specifically, the organization’s decision-making body. Called the World Conservation Congress, IUCN’s assembly convenes every four years. During the plenary session, members elect officers and approve budgets. The current president is Razan Al Mubarak, and Bruno Oberle holds the Director General position.

Next UP…

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