Are you ready to learn five astounding facts about the baby French Bulldog? Let’s jump right in!

#1: A Baby French Bulldog is Called a Puppy!

Since baby French Bulldogs are canines, it comes as no surprise that they’re called puppies! However, other dog breeds aren’t the only animals called pups! In fact, these adorable, cuddly pets share the name with walruses, hedgehogs, and even dolphins! 

#2: French Bulldogs Cannot Naturally Reproduce

Chances are, you probably already know that most dog breeds reproduce naturally. However, French Bulldogs are not able to make babies without medical assistance. This is because, to create the breed, breeders engaged in selective breeding. Consequently, male Frenchies have abnormally small slim hips. The result? They are unable to mount females to reproduce. As a result, baby French Bulldogs can only be the result of artificial insemination. The medical intervention required to bring baby Frenchies into the world doesn’t stop there. An astounding 80% of all French Bulldog litters are delivered by cesarean section.  The need for c-section delivery is also a result of selective breeding. These adorable canines’ broad chests and big heads are part of what makes them so adorable. However, these features make it nearly impossible for them to exit their mothers’ birth canal safely. Consequently, c-section delivery is the best way to ensure the pups’ survival.

#3: Frenchie Pups Can’t Swim! 

Perhaps one of the most recognizable features of the baby French Bulldog is its flat skull and short snout. But did you know that these features are a major reason why the cute canines can’t swim? It’s true!  Their flat skulls make it nearly impossible for them to tip their heads upward above the water. Their short nasal passages, on the other hand, contribute to making it hard to breathe while swimming. Frenchies are also muscle-heavy dogs, which makes it more difficult for them to float at the surface of the water. The good news is that even though baby Frenchies aren’t the best swimmers, they can still enjoy the occasional dip in the water. Some owners choose to use special life jackets designed for dogs who can’t swim. Additionally, some baby french bulldog pups can be taught to swim, though there’s no doubt it’s an uphill battle.

#4: French Bulldogs Aren’t French

Much like french fries and french toast, French Bulldogs aren’t French at all. In fact, these ridiculously popular pups originated in England through selective breeding. This means that the original breeders bred English Bulldogs with Pugs and Terriers to create a new breed – the French Bulldog. At first, Frenchie pups were well-loved for their docile nature, small size, and companionship. They were popular among warehouse workers in England who enjoyed having the dogs sit in their lap or chase rats away. However, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution brought the English people into France with their pups. Much to the English’s surprise, the French instantly fell in love with their tiny French Bulldogs. They became an instant hit and even a status symbol among the rich in France. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the first French Bulldog pups arrived in the United States. Today, they remain one of the most well-loved dog breeds in the world.

It’s certainly no secret that French Bulldogs are a widely-loved dog breed in the United States and beyond. Their tiny size, relaxed personalities, and of course their adorable appearance are some of their most adored features. But did you know that they’re among the most popular pet dog breeds in the world? According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), French Bulldog pups are the second most popular dog breed in the United States and the United Kingdom. These rankings are based on the number of registered pups to the club each year. The Labrador Retriever holds the number one spot and has reigned as the top most popular dog breed since 1991. Like other baby dogs, the French Bulldog pup is called a pup. They share this baby name with many other animals, such as sharks, raccoons, and bats How much do baby French Bulldogs weigh? A newborn baby French Bulldog weighs anywhere from one to two pounds at birth. They quickly gain weight, though, and should weigh around 17-22 pounds by the time they are six months old. What do baby French Bulldogs eat? Frenchie pups are mammals, which means for their first eight to ten weeks, they survive solely on their mother’s milk. Once weaned, they are omnivores. They enjoy protein, grains, yogurt, fruits, veggies, cheese, and more!  Where do baby French Bulldogs live? Baby French Bulldog pups are some of the most popular pets in the world. They are an extremely popular option for city-dwelling owners due to their small size and calm, collected composure. They live on every continent except Antarctica.