What were Bulldogs Bred for?

From the 15th Century to the 19th Century, a ruthless sport took place in which a dog, usually a Pitbull or Bulldog, was placed in a ring with a bull with the goal to latch onto the bull’s nose until it lost too much blood and died or drops from exhaustion. You might question why Bulldogs were used as they’re not the most athletic dogs, but their bodies are actually perfect for this sport for a few reasons. The wrinkles in their face filter the bull’s blood away from the dog’s eyes, and their body is close to the ground which makes it difficult for the bull to place its horns underneath the dog and throw it in the air. Bulldogs are very resilient and can take a beating without it slowing them down very much. It is believed that the Bulldog’s gruesome and dark history is the reason they tend to have a ‘sad’ face.

The Different Types Of Bulldogs And Bulldog Mixes 


There are three more popular breeds of Bulldog, and they are:

English BulldogFrench BulldogAmerican Bulldog

And then some less popular breeds are:

Olde English BulldoggeSerrano BulldogContinental BulldogAlano EspañolCa de BouCampeiro Bulldog

Bulldog Mixes

Beabull (Bulldog x Beagle Mix) Busky (Bulldog x Husky) Bullador (Labrador x Bulldog Mix) Bullcorg (Bulldog x Corgi)Bullbox (Boxer x Bulldog Mix)Bulldoodle (Bulldog x Poodle)Bull Shepherd (Bulldog x German Shepherd)Bullenees (Bulldog x Great Pyrenees Mix) 

3 Pros And Cons Of Owning A Bulldog

The Best Dog Food For Bulldogs

A Bulldog is somewhat of a couch potato. They are not only sedentary but unable for a lot of exercise. This must be kept in mind when feeding them so they do not become overweight. On top of this, they tend to have a lot of food allergies or intolerance. Simply put, Bulldogs are lazy, picky eaters! But that doesn’t mean we love them any less.  Bulldog puppies require a minimum of 22% protein and 8% fat in their diet to optimize growth. Carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are also an essential part of a growing Bulldogs diet. You should feed your puppy ⅓ of a cup of dry kibble, three times a day. A popular kibble for your Bulldog puppy is Royal Canin Bulldog Puppy Dry Dog Food. Once a Bulldog reaches adulthood, they require a minimum of 18% protein and 5% fat, as well as carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. A high protein diet is always ideal for a Bulldog due to their high muscle mass and low activity levels. Just like humans, it is advised you feed your Bulldog 1 gram of protein per pound they weigh each day. Minerals such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are necessary for a diet, as well as Omega 3 fatty acids. An excellent kibble for your adult Bulldog is Taste of the Wild High Prairie with 32% Protein.

Size And Weight

Bulldogs are short, but hefty dogs. They have a stocky frame and short legs. A male can reach 16 inches tall and could weigh up to 55 lbs when fully grown. A female when fully grown could be 14 inches tall and weigh up to 44 lbs.

Bulldog Common Health Issues

Unfortunately, Bulldogs suffer from many health issues, especially bones related issues. Here are some of these problems:

Brachycephalic Airway SyndromeTemperature RegulationHip DysplasiaJoint and Ligament InjuriesArthritisCherry EyeBrachycephalic ocular diseaseDry eyePulmonary StenosisHyperthyroidismDifficulty Breathing

I’m going to explore in detail the most common health issues found in Bulldogs.

Pulmonary Stenosis

This occurs more frequently in Bulldogs than in any other breed. It is a condition that restricts blood flow to the right ventricle of the heart, causing the heart to work harder and if left untreated, can lead to death.

Cherry Eye 

Cherry eye is the most common eye condition in Bulldogs. This is a dog’s third eyelid, the nictitating membrane becomes mispositioned and causes a red, swollen mass in the eye. Brachycephalic breeds are more susceptible to this condition.

Hip Dysplasia

This is when the hip joint becomes mispositioned and no longer sits flush with the pelvis bone. It leads to reduced mobility, pain, and sometimes limping. Bulldogs have a lot of joint issues and an excellent joint supplement recommended by vets is Lintbells Hip and Joint Supplement for Stiff Adult Dogs.

Breathing problems 

These are very common in Brachycephalic breeds, due to their flat face and short nose. These breeds also have deformed respiratory airways and excess soft tissues in their nose and windpipe.

Bulldogs Temperament

Bulldogs are the type of dog you can help but love! They are very affectionate and love attention. When socialized from a young age, they are great with both kids and other animals. They are very gentle and rarely show aggressive behavior, but due to their brave and loyal traits, they will have no problem doing whatever it takes to protect their owner. A Bulldog isn’t a very intelligent breed, however. They have very stubborn personalities, and this mixed with their intelligence can cause some difficulties when training. But nothing is impossible, so with the right approach, it is achievable! Another fantastic thing about Bulldogs’ personalities is they are extremely funny! From their funny snorts to their facial expressions, a Bulldog is sure to make you laugh with their silly behavior!

How To Take Care Of Bulldogs  

Aside from their many health issues, Bulldogs are relatively low maintenance. They have short hair, don’t need much exercise, and sleep a lot! However, you still need to pamper your pooch and keep him clean and happy.

Bulldog maintenance and grooming

As Bulldogs are affectionate, they enjoy being brushed. Using a rubber curry brush, brush your dog about three times a week to remove loose and dead hair from their coat. Bathe them about every 6-8 weeks, and make sure to get in and around those face wrinkles! You should clean their wrinkles every day with a damp cloth to remove any lodged food or saliva, which can irritate your dog. Clipping their nails should be done by a professional every 6 weeks as overgrown nails can be very painful for any dog. And finally, just like us, it is important to brush your doggies’ teeth at a minimum, every second day. This reduces bad breath and also lowers the chances of oral issues such as gum disease.

Bulldog Training

Bulldogs are stubborn and not the brightest breed. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to training them. I highly suggest training them with basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and most importantly, ‘drop it’. Bulldog’s jaws are very strong which means their grip on toys can be very powerful. This is where the ‘drop it’ command comes into use. It’s always best to train your dog from a young age, as you know what they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! Although this saying is not exactly true, it has reasoning behind it.  Toilet training a Bulldog shouldn’t be too difficult. The best way to do this is by taking your pup outside every 1-2 hours to give them a chance to go to the toilet.  Another important aspect of training your Bulldog is socializing them from a young age with other dogs and people. Take him for a walk in a local park, or bring him to your friend’s house.

Bulldog exercise

Bulldogs are relatively inactive, but they still get short bursts of energy now and then. One short 30-minute, slow-paced walk per day is enough for them. Just take care in hot weather as these dogs can handle the heat. Consistent exercise will help with your dog’s heart and muscle health.

Bulldog Puppies

How cute are Bulldog puppies! If your Bulldog is a soon-to-be Mama, expect approximately 3 or 4 beautiful puppies. These puppies will be energetic, social, and brave. Use this time to train and socialize with them. 

Bulldogs And Children

Bulldogs are very people-oriented and trustworthy. As every breed, if they are raised with children they make an excellent addition to the family. They are not too lively, which can be good as it means they will not be jumping up at children. The English Bulldog is especially great with children due to their calm and patient personality.

Dogs Similar To Bulldogs

Dogs similar to Bulldogs in appearance and/or temperament include Pugs, Pitbulls, and Boxers.


Pugs are quite similar in appearance, as they too have short noses and wrinkled faces. They also have breathing difficulties just like Bulldogs.


Pitbulls and Bulldogs share the same history of being bred for Bull Baiting. They both have the same loyal and courageous traits, as well as sharing some features such as frame (both are quite stocky) and color, they both come in many different colors such as black, gray, and fawn, as well as mixes of these colors. 


Boxers and Bulldogs are considered cousins. Both are brachycephalic breeds., which means they have short noses and flat faces. Just like Bulldogs, Boxers are brave and loyal to their owners.


Famous Bulldogs

There are many famous Bulldogs throughout history, used in cartoons and movies, and owned by celebrities! Here are a few:

Famous Bulldogs in history

Tillman – the skateboarding English Bulldog who holds the Guinness World record for the fastest 100m traveled on a skateboard by a dog.Old Boy – an English Bulldog owned by the 29th President of America, William G Harding.

Bulldogs on TV/ in movies

Tyson – another famous skateboarding Bulldog, who appeared in movies such as Undiscovered and Lords of Dogtown, and TV shows such as Rob & Big and The Oprah Winfrey Show.Spike and Tyke – father and son Bulldog duo who appeared in the cartoon series ‘Tom and Jerry’

Bulldogs owned by celebrities

Meatball – an English Bulldog owned by Adam Sandler.Large – an English Bulldog owned by Michael JacksonMiss Asia, Koji, and Gustavo – three French Bulldogs owned by Lady Gaga.

The initial buying price of a Bulldog puppy will start at $800 and can be as expensive as $4000. Yearly, expect to pay approximately $2000 on your Bulldog’s food, vet bills, and health care. How long do Bulldogs live? The average Bulldog has a short lifespan of 8-10 years. Are Bulldogs good with children? Bulldogs are very good with children as they are very patient and loving. It is important to socialize your Bulldog from a young age to familiarize him with other animals and kids. It is also important to teach your children to be gentle towards dogs. Where did the name ‘Bulldog’ come from? Bulldogs got their name from Bull Baiting, which is a cruel sport that Bulldogs and Pitbulls were made to take part in, in which they chase and attack a bull. What colors are Bulldogs? Bulldogs come in many different colors! They can be black, gray, white, fawn, fawn and white, red, black and white, and many more! Why do Bulldogs drool a lot? This is due to the wrinkles and folds in their mouths which gather excess saliva. The purpose of these wrinkles was to filter bulls’ blood away from the dog’s eyes during Bull Baiting. Why do Bulldogs fart a lot? Due to abnormalities in a bulldog’s head and digestive tract, they swallow a lot of air, which results in flatulence!