In this article, we will address everything you need to know about visiting Yellowstone National Park during the month of June, including what some of the top activities are for this time of year. In addition, we will address what the average weather is like as well as what some of the best places to stay are. Let’s get started and talk about Yellowstone in June now! 

Things to Do in Yellowstone in June

Yellowstone National Park is arguably at its peak during the month of June. The entire park is open, including surrounding National Parks and natural areas, such as the Grand Tetons. Given that much of the park is closed to traffic due to the heavy snowfall it experiences during colder months of the year, June is the first real opportunity for visitors to see and do all of the things that they might have missed during other months of the year.  You can go on any number of hikes, explore the geysers and Visitor Center, and even get involved in some guided tours and recreational activities hosted by vendors sponsored by Yellowstone National Park. In addition, you can rent kayaks or canoes for a number of fishing or water activities. You can also simply get in your car and drive around this beautiful National Park at your own pace! 

Weather in Yellowstone in June

While it may not sound particularly warm at first, the weather in Yellowstone during the month of June is mild and pleasant. It ranges on average from 35 degree lows to 61 degree highs, something that makes for fantastic hiking and camping. There is no snow during this month, and only a scant two inches of rain. Plus, with 15.5 hours of sunlight each and every day, you should feel like you have plenty of time to explore just about everywhere you want!

Wildlife in Yellowstone in June

Many people flock to Yellowstone National Park to view its fantastic and diverse wildlife population. June is a perfect time to do this, as all animals that live within this National Park are awake and active. They choose to take advantage of the good weather just as much as tourists do!  However, it is important to note that many different wildlife varieties graze or otherwise spend their time very close to the roads found throughout Yellowstone. This can cause traffic jams and you should take your time when driving through the park, no matter how busy it is.  You can expect to see any of the following animals during your trip:

BisonDeerElkBighorn sheepRabbitsFoxesWeaselsWolvesMany different bird varieties, including raptors

For your own safety, Yellowstone Park Rangers recommend that you stay at least 100 yards away from the nearest large animal, particularly bison and elk. Keep in mind that, although they may seem accustomed to humans, these are indeed wild animals in one of the wildest National Parks in America!

Getting to Yellowstone in June

Now that the snow has melted enough for safe travel throughout Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding areas, getting to Yellowstone is very easy during the month of June. All of the roads are open as well as all of the entrance gates, so you can choose a past that works best for you. Yellowstone offers a number of different maps and informational pamphlets to help you create the trip of your dreams! 

Lodging in Yellowstone in June

There are a number of different lodging opportunities found within Yellowstone National Park, including the historic Old Faithful Inn and the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel & Cabins. By the time June rolls around, all camping opportunities are also open, unless they have had a particularly cold and wet winter season. Given the fact that Yellowstone is busier during the month of June than any other month prior to this point, you may find that staying within the park isn’t possible unless you booked months in advance. However, all of the towns surrounding Yellowstone offer a number of fantastic lodging opportunities and dining experiences, something that may round out your trip and leave you feeling refreshed. Check out nearby Cody and Gardiner for some great options! 

Tips and Tricks for Yellowstone in June

One of the main things to keep in mind should you plan on visiting Yellowstone during the month of June is that it will be significantly more crowded during this time of year than any month prior to this point. This means that there will be more cars and more people, and you should plan plenty of time to do whatever hikes and activities you most want to do. You may not be able to do everything given just how busy it gets, but just know that you are experiencing a fantastic National Park during one of the best times of year possible!