In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about what the weather’s like in Yellowstone National Park during the month of June. We will address the pros and cons of visiting the park during this time of year, as well as what you can expect in terms of your activities and wildlife viewing options. Let’s get started and talk about Yellowstone now!

What is the Weather Like in Yellowstone in June?

The weather in Yellowstone in June is a lovely 61 degrees Fahrenheit for the average high, with 35 degrees being the average low. In addition, snow and rain are at a minimum, with up to 16 hours of sunlight per day. This means that you have ample daylight to see everything you want to see in this beautiful National Park! Compared to previous months of the year, June is a fantastic time to visit Yellowstone National Park. The weather is less temperamental compared to April or May, and precipitation is rarely seen. This means that you have fewer worries compared to months of more extreme weather. Let’s discuss some of the additional pros of visiting Yellowstone in the month of June now. 

Pros of Visiting Yellowstone in June

The reason why Yellowstone National Park gets particularly busy during the month of June is because of the warmer weather. Not only can you expect fewer weather interruptions during the day, but the majority of hikes and backpacking opportunities are fully open. Given the fact that most trails are weather and snow melt-dependent means that you may not have had the chance to hike certain trails during earlier months of the year.  In addition, you truly get to see the park in all of its natural beauty once June hits. Much of the ice and snow melts away to reveal fresh flora and fauna, and all varieties of wildlife are active during this month. You can enjoy the rushing rivers and waterfalls that were once frozen, and make sure you take some time to view all of the wildflower varieties in the meadows of Yellowstone. 

Cons of Visiting Yellowstone in June

One of the main drawbacks of visiting Yellowstone National Park during the month of June is the fact that this is when the majority of people choose to visit. June is the start of the busy summer travel season, and national parks are not exempt from the uptick in tourism that happens nationwide. While July is a busier month overall, June has its fair share of visitors, especially compared to Yellowstone in the winter months.  Besides the crowds, there are very few other cons to visiting Yellowstone during this month. However, crowds means more difficulty making reservations, enjoying natural beauty in solitude, and you may find that the amount of traffic is not what you were expecting out of your National Park visit. You may need to plan additional time and alternatives to certain hikes or viewpoints, just to ensure that you get everything done in a timely fashion. 

What to Do in Yellowstone in June

Yellowstone is arguably at its peak during the month of June, which means there is plenty for you to do. Let’s talk about some of the top activities to do in Yellowstone National Park during the month of June! 

Wildlife Viewing

All times of year are beneficial for viewing wildlife in Yellowstone National Park, though June is an extremely good time to see a variety of wildlife. While you may not see some of the more reclusive animals found in the park, June is a perfect time to see the infamous bison of Yellowstone as well as elk and deer.  Some of the animals you can expect to see during this time of year are: 

ElkFoxesBighorn sheepBisonWolvesDeerWeaselsHare

This also means that you should pay special attention when hiking or traversing the park, as you may stumble upon wildlife that you were not expecting to see. Always maintain a safe distance from larger wildlife, such as wolves and bears as well as bison, especially as the park gets more and more crowded! 

Hikes and Guided Tours

Not only can you explore over 900 miles of hiking trails throughout Yellowstone National Park, you can also join a number of guided hiking expeditions. These expeditions are sponsored through Yellowstone National Park and offer a variety of different themes and trip lengths. If hiking isn’t your thing, you can also participate in a driven guided tour or a bus tour of the park.  Some of these tours book up quickly, which is something very important to note if you are planning on traveling to Yellowstone during the month of June. However, it is unlikely that the weather will interrupt your hiking or backpacking trip, which means you can fully enjoy your experience. Additionally, bus tours can be a helpful way to cut down on traffic in the park. 

Horseback Riding and Fishing

June is the beginning of fishing season in Yellowstone National Park, so it is a great time to go if you are in angular. Additionally, you can book guided horseback riding tours as well as a variety of other hiking excursions involving horses, mules, or even llamas!