A rented home in Youngstown, Ohio has bugs all over it. The landlord claims that the tenant left it in that condition. Carmen Neapolitan has been a landlord for several years and emphasizes that issues as bad as this one can often be the result of unkempt living spaces.  On Cornell Street, directly across from St. Matthias Church in Youngstown, lies the residence with the infestation. The landlord submitted a picture of a cockroach-infested refrigerator to a nearby news outlet. When the news crew went to the house, they still saw bugs crawling about on the walls, the floor, and in the kitchen sink. Three things are sought after by roaches when they enter your home: food, shelter, and water. They have also mastered the capacity to enter your home through even the smallest cracks. They may enter through dryer vents, holes in the outside walls, or even openings between the walls and flooring. It isn’t cheap to fix issues caused by roach infestations either. “We’ll come in, rip the carpeting all out, spray it with bug killer, paint the house, clean it up, and put it back up for rent again,” Neapolitan says. All in all, he expects it to cost just under $3,000. 

Preventing an Infestation

It might seem apparent, but keeping your house clean will help to keep out a lot of bugs. This is because any form of pest, including cockroaches, are less likely to want to stay around if there is less food and water readily available.  Closing up any openings that roaches have in your home is one of the greatest ways to keep them out. Caulk all entry points to keep cockroaches from coming in from the outside. For instance, minor fissures, access holes, and spaces between tiles or walls should all be sealed up. Carmen Neapolitan has dozens of properties in the Youngstown, Ohio area and has never seen anything come close to this infestation. It was so bad that the landlord even says he could smell an odor while standing outside of the home.  Infestations will cause cockroach droppings to be prominent. Larger roaches emit cylindrical droppings, whereas smaller roaches excrete feces that resemble black pepper or coffee grounds. A strong indicator of the severity or length of an infestation is frequently the amount of visible excrement. Some species produce offensive odors. A strong oily or musty smell could be detected in cases of severe infestation. The house is also filled with the remains of deceased cockroaches.

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